Saturday, August 8, 2009

bring a little love for me.

i'm ready to give up all my sin;
but i don't know where to begin.

sweet lover mine,
it's the morning of a new day.

and i thank you Lord, for everything
that you've done.

so, life is hectic right now. i started a new job as the activity director at chardon healthcare. i know, i know, everyone thinks all activity directors do is play games and schedule games all day. not the case. i feel i've just been thrown into this ocean of things that i've never had to deal with before. employees, one in particular that doesn't like me and thinks i should have never gotten the promotion, monthly budgets, hiring, interviewing, calling people and telling them you aren't going to hire them, dealing with a human resource manager who is so incredibly moody and/or bipolar, disciplining/managing employees that are basically the same age as me, organizing about a bajillion things, planning ahead, being responsible, watching what i say, not getting too busy for my residents, constantly worrying about individualized care for my residents, hearing one of my residents tell me, "oh, you're just like ONE OF THEM now!" (granted, she's a little {a lot} crazy), managing care plans, progress notes, MDS, assessments,'s so much!

granted, right now i'm in the thick of things. old boss just left, i just got promoted, we have a vacant spot, i'm still learning the job, although everyone expects me to just know things it seems - things just aren't on a smooth course right now. i just want to remember to not get too far ahead of myself, to keep the stress down, and to just look forward. to just look at God and His strength, not at my own.

pray for me!

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