Friday, January 2, 2009

mo money, mo problems.


i haven't posted in awhile, the holidays kept me pretty busy this year. and when i wasn't busy, i just wanted to relax with the husband. so, that's my excuse. onward...

so, a few weeks before christmas dan and i figured out how much i actually owe in student loans. it's a lot. a whole lot. especially since i don't even have a degree. after much upset - my husband of course comforted me perfectly. he said that he gladly takes this debt and it doesn't matter that i didn't earn a degree - what matters is that the things i learned and did and experienced during those years helped form me who i am today. and he would gladly take the debt over me being any different than i am now. he makes me smile. anyway, after just looking at our debt besides the student loans, we realized how utterly helpless we are. we are in bondage to our debtors and we must get out of it. we realize that there is no way for us to do it on our own - so we decided that after the holidays we were going to take a seventy-six day fast. not from food, but from spending money on things we don't need. that means no trips to target to grab "a few things", no stopping at dunkin' donuts for coffee, no buying lunch at work instead of packing, none of that. just paying our bills, buying groceries if we actually need them (not just if we don't feel like eating the things we have), and things like that. the necessary evils. this is going to be so hard - but i really feel that god is going to show us a lot about our finances and our patterns of irresponsibility. i feel he is also going to show us that there are so many things that we actually can survive without. we aren't going to fast on sundays or holidays, so we will get to use sundays to go to dinner together or see a movie, or go out with friends. thank god for sabbaths! so, if you think about it, say a little prayer for us. for grace & wisdom during this fast. for a breakthrough!

i had a good christmas & new years this year. it has bee fun, yet very fast. i do feel that i've been to caught up in the busyness of it all. that makes me a little sad. but, jesus was born and we got to remember that. and that is a beautiful, blessed thing.

an orchestra is playing for free tonight in coventry. i have to work, but you should go.

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