Thursday, January 22, 2009

so, i'm getting a little blog happy.

but i can't help it.

i'm heading home this weekend to visit my mom. her boyfriend and i are taking her out to dinner at her favorite restaurant - benihana. it should be lots of fun. dan's out of town for his usmc drills this weekend. we had a fun night together last night, we made dinner, laughed a lot, talked about lots of things, cuddled with our puppies, and took a few shots of silver tequila. you know, dan & jocelynn things.

we got in a minor car accident the other day and i'm currently driving a rental. a black nissan sentra. it's nice to let lance take a little break. absence makes the heart grow fonder of course! it's so funny how when you get used to driving a car, driving a different one just feels so strange.

another new thing - i got new glasses! praise the lord, i can see! and no more constant headaches!

and the best new thing...matt & jen hummer's new baby brody. he is so sweet and wonderful and i just love him. if you haven't met him yet, you really should! i can't wait until ashley & jay have theirs!! speaking of that, i got ash the best shower gift.

brody edward hummer. isn't he sweet?!

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