Monday, January 19, 2009

there are a few good things on the far eastside.

so, the video i posted previously was of a place called project hope for the homeless. i've recently gotten involved there as a volunteer and it's been an amazing experience. i have been so discouraged lately because i've been feeling that there aren't enough ways to get involved in the body of christ on the far eastside of cleveland. but, project hope has proved me wrong. there are always places to get involved, if you are willing to look. i volunteered once along side a woman named sister mary catherine or kathleen, i'm not sure which, and then some last name i couldn't pronounce...but she let us just call her sister mary. she is absolutely amazing. she is in her mid seventies, and totally gives her life to service. she has been working with project hope since it started, which i think was about ten years ago. just watching her work so effortlessly and unceasingly was such an inspiration. i want to be like that when i'm in my seventies. sister mary also has one of the purest, most beautiful, and yet simplest faces i have ever seen. she was telling me about how she and her other sisters collect aluminum and trade it in for money - which they use to help finance a catholic school in inner city cleveland. she loved to tell me about all of the things that we waste that can be recycled.

i haven't posted in a while, but i do have a lot to say. this is been a crazy week. more later.

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